Annual Report on China’s Practice in International Law (2018)
Annual Report on China’s Practice in International Law (2018) isthe annual report on specialized and practical topics of international lawedited and compiled by the Wuhan University Institute of International Law and Wuhan University Academy of International Lawand Global Governance, one of the high-ranking national think-tanks inChina. The book consists of three parts, with the General Report as Part I, anda total of 10 reports from the contributed writings on State Practice and TheoreticalDevelopments as Parts II and III. There is also a list of Events of China’s Practice in International Law at the end of thebook. It contains analyses andappraisals of the principles and standpoints behind the ideals and adherencesexpressed by China on the various important areas of international law, as wellas the specific actions taken by China to promote development of internationallaw in 2018. The book could contribute to enhancing the transparency of China’spractice of international law, and could assist various countries andcommunities around the world to be aware of and appraise objectively China’s practicein international law.
The General Report points outthe upheavals and turbulence of international affairs in 2018. The world fellinto great changes that have not been seen since the end of the Second WorldWar. Protectionism, nationalism and unilateralism reared their heads while multilateralismfaces hard times. The world was seeking directions for adapting touncertainties and insecurities that are intensifying by the day. The prevailinginternational legal system is facing marginalization; the institutionalcontention for new frontiers is gradually intensifying; platforms for pursuitof legal interest is exhibiting polarization; and the internationalinstitutions are increasingly expanding their centralization. Themultilateralism of the international legal system, however, still plays animportant role in stabilizing the global orders. As a responsible and developingsuperpower, China makes a clear stand in upholding multilateralism and acorrect approach to justice and interests. China follows firmly the path ofpeaceful development and mutual benefit through cooperation, and is committedto maintaining and promoting the international rule of law.
The sub-reports are ten reportsfrom the Contributed Writings on State Practice and Development in Theories. Inthe area of innovation and development of ideals and principles, China proposedthe concept of “a Community of Shared Future for Mankind,” and included theconcept into its Constitution, so as to give a further and systematicexposition of the basic concept of the construction of such a new type ofinternational relations. The concept emphasizes the principle of commondiscussion, common building and sharing, which reflects China’s new cognitionof the current international system as well as its new positioning of itsparticipation in the development of the global governance system. This is ofgreat significance to the times.
In the area of the constructionand practice of its domestic institution, China has further enhanced theinteraction between the domestic and international law, as an effort to realizethe standardization and systemization of China’s foreign legislation, therebyimproving the nation’s credibility to the world at large.
In the area of the developmentof international institution, China maintains the basic norms of theinternational system, hosts various diplomatic activities and enhances its rolein in the construction of the international institution.In the area of multilateral practice, China isactively promoting the legalization of international governance and advocatingthe development of international rule of law in a fairer and more reasonabledirection.
In the areaof the development of China’s international law theoretical system, Chinesescholars place even greater emphases on the depth study of the theories ofinternational law in the new era to further enhance China’s role in the processof promoting the international legal order.
肖永平,湖北麻城人。武汉大学国际法研究所(国家高端智库)所长,中国国际私法学会常务副会长、中国法学会常务理事、外交部国际法咨询委员会委员、最高人民检察院咨询委员会委员、《武大国际法评论》《中国国际私法与比较法年刊》主编。博士,长江学者特聘教授。主要研究领域:国际私法、国际商事仲裁法、体育法。主要代表作:《法理学视野下的冲突法》(专著)、《国际私法原理》(编著)、《体育争端解决模式》(主编)、Conflict of Laws in the People’s Republic of China(合著)、《肖永平论冲突法》(专著)、《中国仲裁法教程》等。