With the invitation of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, the Korean Ministry of Justice, the Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Korea Institute of Private International Law, Professor XIAO Yongping, Dean of the National Institute of International Law at Wuhan University (one of the Chinese new Think-Tank), attended “ The 2017 Asia-Pacific Week of The Hague Academy of Private Law” held in Seoul, South Korea from July 3-6, 2017. Professor XIAO gave a speech entitled “The Latest Developments of Guardianship Legal Issues in China” under the seminar “Child Protection & Child Support”, and introduced the new provisions of the Civil Code – General Part on the issue of guardianship. He also talked about how Article 30 of Law of PRC on Application of Laws to Foreign-related Civil Relationships was applied in Chinese courts, and then came up with some suggestions in order to improve the foreign-related guardianship system in China at the level of substantive law and conflicts of law. He also gave a report—— "An Analysis of China's Ratification of the Convention on Choice of Court Agreements and my Suggestions" in the seminar named "Validity of Choice of Court Agreement to Evade an Application of Overriding Mandatory Rules" and listed the advantages and disadvantages of China's participation in the CONVENTION ON CHOICE OF COURT AGREEMENTS. What he commented had been widely praised by the participants. Scholars and judges from all over the world expressed their wishes to participate in the "Global Private International Law Forum: Cooperation and Cooperation" held at Wuhan University from September 22-23, 2017.