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Professor Xiao Yongping Was Invited to Attend the International Academic Conference on “International Law and Asia in Change” Held in Hanoi, Vietnam
发布者: 发布时间:2018-10-18 10:55阅读:

At the invitation of the Asian Institute of International Law, Professor Xiao Yongping, Director of the National High-level Think Tank, the Wuhan University Institute of International Law, attended the international academic conference on “International Law and Asia in Change” in Hanoi, Vietnam from June 14th to 15th, 2016. As a keynote speaker, he delivered a special report titled “Enhancing International Credibility of Chinese Judiciary: A Focus on the OBOR Initiative”, introduced in detail the past two years’ reform and efforts of Chinese courts to promote OBOR construction, suggested that Chinese courts set up judicial philosophy of big nations. The philosophy includes: actively desalinating judicial sovereignty notion and strengthening equal protection, win-win cooperation, open and efficient judicial conception; improving the just judicial system, the emphasis of which lies in fully safeguarding the litigation rights of foreign parties, properly narrowing the scope of exclusive jurisdiction and appropriately solving matters of parallel proceedings; creating harmonious judicial methods, the keys of which are the active application of forum non conveniens doctrine, the initiative confirmation of the existence of mutually beneficial relations, the accurate and comprehensive application of international treaties and international practices in accordance with the law, and the full play of guiding cases; promoting an inclusive judicial culture, including supports for the development of a multiple dispute settlement mechanism, striving to identify and correctly employ foreign laws. The speech and discussion deepened the understandings of Asian counterparts on China’s OBOR Initiative and increased their consensus on OBOR construction.