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The notice on the lecture: LLM program presentation
发布者: 发布时间:2018-10-18 17:42阅读:

Presenter: Sven Clarke, Senior Student Advisor, University of British Columbia, Canada


Lecture: Introducing the LLM program at the University of British Columbia in Canada, a one-year program that provides basic training for common law and Canadian law for foreign or non-legal lawyers. This program is unique in Canada and offers students the opportunity to complete a Master of Laws degree and is committed to meeting the requirements of the profession (student can live and work in Canada after graduation).


Students will study the basic courses of the common law, including Canadian Public Law, Canadian Private Law: Contractual Obligations and Relief, Canadian Criminal Law and Procedures. You can also choose from the University of British Columbia's law graduate and other doctoral level courses, including: Indigenous Peoples and Law, Asian Legal Studies, Commercial Law, Environmental Law, and Women's Law Studies.


The specific project content can be found at http://www.law.ubc.ca/graduate/p-programs-LLM-CL.html. The lecture includes the playback of the video and the answer to the student's question.


Time: Monday, October 15, 2012, 10:00 am - 11:00 am


Venue: Law School Room 323


Everyone is welcome to participate!

Office of International Law Institute